Saturday, December 18, 2010


Daybreak… night passed...
One day … A week
A month... A year
Two years we have shared
A day when I meet you
I do not feel anything
But only a few days later
I just feel it
Oh my friend…
How important your presence
Two years we have been through
Better and worse
Crying and excited
Your smile always accompanied my days
but, now ..
It was time to part
Is there a day we've been through
still beautiful
My friend...
I say good bye
I hope you get
what you want
that you dreamed
And remember me
remember something about me
I will never forget you
Oh my best friend...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Untuknya Yang Slalu Ku Rindu

..hatimu kan menjadi hatiku.
smua tau..
namun Tuhan begitu adil
yang ku rindu sekarang jauh di sana

Tuhan ...
ampuni dosa-dosanya
izinkan aku merindunya
izinkan aku mencurahkan rasaku..
semangatku ada padanya..
iznkan aku Tuhan..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Steady Supporting Study

In our life, there are many relationship, such as frienship, neighbourship, and steady. In this era, steady isn’t only done by adult, but also done by almost every teenager moreover some students in the school.
This problem happens because some students want to have someone who can supports their activities, especially to study and get them can support one to another.
In their imagine their couple is everything. From dicipline side, they will more be supported, for example when they was lazy to do everything, they will be more diligent. By steady, we will be spirit to study.
Because the steady, we became more active in learning. Select a boyfriend or girlfriend who makes our spirit. In a relationship (dating), we must to study in constant. Because, if we have bad value, we will be embarrassed with our boyfriend or girlfriend. Either we broken off boyfriend or girlfriend because of we have bad value. If we broken off our darling, we became broken hearted, which the result we can not concentrate in lessons. Therefore, the boyfriend or girlfriend makes us the spirit of learning.
Both remind each other when the time to learn, when to relax. Before that, she or he never previously homework be diligent work. Instead, we become understand very quickly when studying in the beside our boy or girlfriend.
In addition, if we were lovers in a same class, we can learn together. We can do the work together.. We can compete by goodway to get the best. Many desire to have something in common, everything was the same. Spirit to do positive things so much increased, because of each other mutual support.
From that arguments, we can conclude, that steady supporting study.
We can get something or experience from this relationship. Therefore, choose a boyfriend or girlfriend who can support us in doing all the activities, studying at school or otherwise. Take advantage of these relationships. Be clever in keeping feelings to each other, so that we can be mutual understanding, mutual keeping, and respect one and another.

Steady Supporting Study

This problem happens because some students want to have someone who can supports their activities, especially to study and get them can support one to another.

In their imagine their couple is everything. From dicipline side, they will more be supported, for example when they was lazy to do everything, they will be more diligent. By steady, we will be spirit to study.

Because the steady, we became more active in learning. Select a boyfriend or girlfriend who makes our spirit. In a relationship (dating), we must to study in constant. Because, if we have bad value, we will be embarrassed with our boyfriend or girlfriend. Either we broken off boyfriend or girlfriend because of we have bad value. If we broken off our darling, we became broken hearted, which the result we can not concentrate in lessons. Therefore, the boyfriend or girlfriend makes us the spirit of learning.

Both remind each other when the time to learn, when to relax. Before that, she or he never previously homework be diligent work. Instead, we become understand very quickly when studying in the beside our boy or girlfriend.

In addition, if we were lovers in a same class, we can learn together. We can do the work together.. We can compete by goodway to get the best. Many desire to have something in common, everything was the same. Spirit to do positive things so much increased, because of each other mutual support.

From that arguments, we can conclude, that steady supporting study.

We can get something or experience from this relationship. Therefore, choose a boyfriend or girlfriend who can support us in doing all the activities, studying at school or otherwise. Take advantage of these relationships. Be clever in keeping feelings to each other, so that we can be mutual understanding, mutual keeping, and respect one and another.


Misi Hidup Ini

Kita hadir di dunia ini sedikitnya memiliki tiga misi :
  • Sebagai Hamba Allah SWT
  1. Oleh karena itu jadikanlah semua aktifitas kita sebagai sarana ibadah kepada Allah. Kegelisahan timbul karena kita kurang ilmu, terlalu cinta dunia, juga karena enggan beribadah. Karir kehidupan kita pun bisa optimal jika kita menyempurnakan ibadah.
  • Sebagai Kholifah
  1. Berkiprahlah di dunia ini dengan melakukan karya terbaik. Kita harus menggali kekayaan lahir dan batin agar bisa melakukan dan mempersembahkan karya terbaik dalam arti yang sesungguhnya.
  • Sebagai Pendakwah
  1. Kita harus bisa menjadi orang yang bisa memberi contoh kebaikan, pembawa misi kemuliaan.

Sebaik-baik manusia adalah orang yang paling banyak manfaatnya untuk orang lain, oleh karena itu, kalau kita ingin mengetahui tingkat keberuntungan kita, lihatlah sampai sejauh mana kita berjuang sekuat tenaga dalam hidup ini, mengeksploitir tenaga, pikiran dan waktu kita untuk memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain.


Hadirku Hanya Membawa Luka Untukmu

Setiap kali ada air mata
Yang ada hanyalah sia-sia
Tapi tak mengapa
Hanya hatikulah yang tau
Hanya aku
Tak perlu kau dan dia tau
Bahkan takkan pernah

Karena mungkin kehadiranku
Tak berarti untukmu dan juga untuknya
Aku tau
Engkau yang tak pernah pedulikanku
Tak pernah menganggapku ada
Tak pernah sedikitpun menganggapku
Aku yang terlalu lemah
Hingga luka yang kurasa
Tak kunjung kau hilangkan

Biarpun aku menangis
Biarpun aku menangis
Biarlah ku pendam sendiri
Rasa sakitku ini
Biarlah.... Biarlah...